Thursday, April 13, 2017

Phototherapy with UVB light treatment for vitiligo

This condition is an important cause of depigmentation (loss of colour) of the skin. It affects all races but is most obvious in people with darker skins.
It affects approximately 1 person in every 200 of the population. Around 40 per cent of patients have an affected family member.
Exposing the affected skin to UVB lamps is a common treatment option. It is one of the simplest treatments and can easily be performed at home with a small lamp.
Home treatment is recommended because it is most effective when the patient uses the lamp daily. If these treatments are carried out in clinics, the patient needs to visit 2-3 times per week, which slows down recuperation time.
If the white spots are located across large areas of the body, UVB phototherapy will have to be performed in a hospital with a full body treatment. It is important to mention that even if evidence has suggested that UVB phototherapy, particularly when combined with other treatments, has a positive effect on vitiligo, it is still quite unpredictable and undependable.

There is still no real treatment that will totally re-pigment the skin to its full potential.
Learn about what are treatment for vitiligo

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