Saturday, March 4, 2017

Vitiligo Treatment : Is Segmental Vitiligo Curable

Segmental vitiligo appears differently from the rest. It spreads faster, but is considered more content than non-segmental. It is definitively not common, and it affects around 10% of individuals with vitiligo. But unpredictably, it is more noticeable in the early phases. Unfortunately, this form is more common in children. In fact, 30% of the children with vitiligo have segmental vitiligo. It has an oval-like shape and mostly affects the dorsal areas of spine.
Vitiligo Treatment : Is Segmental Vitiligo Curable

Segmental vitiligo (SV) patches are small at their initial stages but can grow huge eventually, and it spreads more quickly than nonsegmental vitiligo. It also is not associated with autoimmune diseases, or at least there is a significantly reduced association than in generalized vitiligo. However, studies have shown immune-mediated overlaps between the two kinds of vitiligo.
Segmental vitiligo has to be cured at the right time before it progresses and spreads all over the body. The upside is that even if it spreads more quickly, it is also more treatable during the early stages, and topical treatments have been effective in its treatment.
Treatment options for segmental vitiligo
Topical corticosteroids
Topical immunomodulators (also known as calcineurin inhibitors)
Phototherapy (NB-UVB, PUVA)
Excimer laser
Miscellaneous therapies, such as low-energy helium-neon laser
Surgical treatment

Only one treatment is not cure vitiligo ,you must konw your disease casuse. if you have any question about segmental vitiligo ,you can add my whatsapp:+8618500025611

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