Monday, January 16, 2017

Is There Cure Vitiligo At Home

Many patients think i have vitiligo ,but i want to cure my vitiligo at home or depend on diet .vitiligo paitents think of cure vitiligo only depend on diet to control my vitiligo.
Is There Cure Vitiligo At Home

Vitiligo is a condition in which the skin loses melanin, the pigment that determines color. The disease evolves slowly with enlarging white irregular patches on the skin. The most common areas affected by vitiligo are above the eyes and on the neck, armpits, elbows, genitalia, hands and knees.

Treatment Vitiligo At Home 

The goal of cover-up with dyes or make-up is to hide the white macules so that the vitiligo is less visible. Self-tanning lotions and camouflage are quite helpful for some patients.
Using a surgical instrument, the pigment is implanted into the skin. It works best around the lips, especially in people with darker skin. Drawbacks can include difficulty matching the color of skin and the fact that tattoos fade but do not tan. Sometimes, skin damage caused by tattooing might spark the generation of another patch of vitiligo.
*Avoid tattooing that's not related to treating your vitiligo. Damage to your skin, such as that caused by a tattoo, may cause a new patch of vitiligo to appear within two weeks.
Creams that control inflammation
A topical corticosteroid may help return color to (repigment) your skin, particularly if you start using it early in the disease. You may not see a change in your skin's color for several months.
This type of cream is effective and easy to use. But it can cause side effects, such as skin thinning or the appearance of streaks or lines on your skin.
Milder forms of the drug may be prescribed for children and for people who have large areas of discolored skin.

Best Home Remedies for vitiligo

Papaya is a tree-like plant, which grows from 5-10 m, the flowers are like plumeria flowers and its leaves are ripe, large, and long for 10-30 cm. Papaya is not only a delicious fruit for health, but it is also helpful for vitiligo treatment. Here is the method to use papaya to treat vitiligo:

  • Cut papaya fruit into different pieces.
  • Rub papaya pieces on white patches.
  • Dry it naturally and apply other pieces of papaya.
  • You might drink papaya juice each day to relieve melanin cells caused by vitiligo.
  • Do it every day to get visible effects.

Duckweed is a type of water plant that’s very rich in lignin. It’s an effective natural treatment for vitiligo skin disorders, and it even helps to restore your skins natural color.

  • Take the duckweed and grind it down into a very fine paste.
  • Add a teaspoon of honey and drink it twice a day after a meal.
  • You’ll start to see the results after about a month.

Sun Screen
Apply lots of sunscreen, even if you are not going to be in direct sunlight. I recommend using at least SPF 30. This will protect your skin against both UVA and UVB as vitiligo affected skin is more vulnerable to the sun’s rays.
Red Clay
Red clay is a very effective natural home remedy for vitiligo because of its high copper content, which is what’s responsible for restoring skin pigmentation.

  • Combine 1 tablespoon of ginger juice with 2 tablespoons of red clay.
  • Apply the mixture to the affected areas daily.

The reason for adding ginger juice is so that it can stimulate and increase the flow of blood to the applied areas. This is very cheap, but effective method for restoring color to your affected skin.
Vitamin B9 and B12
A study conducted on a large number of vitiligo patients found that around 80% of them were deficient in vitamins B9 (folic acid) and B12
There have also been recorded evidence that supplementing with these vitamins for 3-6 months resulted in cases of complete re-pigmentation.
In light of this evidence, you should make sure that you increase your consumption of foods that are naturally rich in these vitamins. Examples of such foods include: Liver, Sunflower Seeds, Milk, Cheese, Beef, Chicken, Pork, Fish, and Whole Eggs.
Drinking water

Drinking water is necessary to save your life as well as prevent some health problems including vitiligo. If you want to get rid of this skin condition easily, effectively, and permanently, drinking water stored in a copper vessel is the simple way you can do at home, at the office, or on your journey. You should store water in copper utensil in a long time and drink it. This method will increase melanin and reduce whiteness on your body. The remedy will not bring the instant result but be patient by drinking water every day, you will have desirable effect from it.
Those many vitiligo patients used to treat themself vitiligo ,not only good treatment for vitiligo but also best time and delayed the treatment increased the illness.
Learn about Chinese Medicine Treatment for vitiligo

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