Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Facts of Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a genetic, autoimmune skin disease causing loss of pigment from areas of the skin, resulting in irregular white spots or patches. Vitiligo affects about 0.5% to 1% of the population and can start at any age, but about half of those with vitiligo develop it before the age of 20, and about 95% before age 40. It affects both genders, and all races and ethnicities. Generalized vitiligo is a progressive disease resulting in somewhat unpredictable cycles of spreading and cycles of stability throughout life.

Vitiligo Facts
Vitiligo is an autoimmune disorder and not merely a “cosmetic” problem.
Vitiligo affects the immune system and manifests itself as a change in skin color presenting as white patches on the skin.
There is no known cure.
There is very little research funding for vitiligo to better understand the disease and develop new treatments.
Many of the currently available treatments are not covered by insurance.
70 million people across the world have vitiligo.
There are no boundaries of race, ethnicity or gender.
Vitiligo is difficult to hide. This disease is misunderstood and the isolation people with vitiligo feel can be crippling.
Anyone—children and adults representing all ethnicities— can get vitiligo at any time
20-35% of patients are children
Nearly 1% of the population are affected.
Vitiligo is NOT contagious
Psychologically devastating, many patients feel isolated and devastated by its impact on their relationships and personal and professional lives.
Various treatments, including topical creams and light therapy, can help some patients

More treatments and research are needed.

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