Saturday, February 27, 2016

Treatment For Children With Vitiligo

Data show that the incidence of childhood vitiligo disease and showed a gradual upward trend, therefore, children vitiligo also became the focus of everyone's attention. However, due to the onset of vitiligo disease of mental state, immune and genetic factors, cause local skin and hair follicle patients melanogenesis a disorder, and the purpose of treating vitiligo is to restore the skin lesions of melanocytes, so that the normal appearance of the skin and functional recovery, the disease may be present, for the treatment of a certain degree of difficulty, especially for children vitiligo treatment.

Vitiligo hospital experts remind the majority of parents friends, when to take the treatment of childhood vitiligo patients should pay attention to the suitability for the treatment of childhood vitiligo disease, let's first take a look at the routine childhood vitiligo treatment method, which is suitable used for the treatment of children:
① trace elements: folic acid and vitamin B12 combined with sunlight therapy. Studies have shown that levels of childhood vitiligo patients blood folate and vitamin B12 are often lower than normal, oral folic acid and vitamin B12 and the treatment of vitiligo local sunlight good effect, but the exact mechanism is unclear.
② immune enhancer: oral levamisole, 100mg / day, 2 days per week, the slow progress of the limitations applicable to the treatment of childhood vitiligo patients, in combination with corticosteroids better. There are also transfer factor, Polyresistin and other immunosuppressive agents, may be used as appropriate.
③ topical low, in effect corticosteroids: This is the preferred therapy of childhood vitiligo disease. The main limitations for small lesions and children with vitiligo disease, especially the hands, feet, fingers, lips and perioral skin, etc. Halometasone Cream, 0.05% propionic clobetasone or 0.1% acetic acid and other topical triamcinolone, 2 times a day, the best effect of facial skin lesions, neck, followed by a poor rest of the body.
Of course, those conventional medical treatment, the method is not suitable for children treatment of vitiligo should pay attention to:
① surgery transplantation: children is generally difficult to fit the patient;
②PUVA: a certain toxicity of light, children under 12 should not be used;
③ system of long-term oral corticosteroids: long-term use will be systemic or local side effects.

We understand the childhood vitiligo vitiligo treatment by specialists, the child should be clear of vitiligo treatment should adhere to early detection and early treatment, and the difference between treatment principle. Parents for their children's growth changes must be closely watched. For children vitiligo disease, early detection and early treatment to early treatment can achieve good therapeutic effect, after it will not give their children leave a bad physical and psychological impact.

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