Monday, February 22, 2016

Can Vitiligo Be Cured Completely

Vitiligo is an auto immune disease. It is familial in only a very small percentage of cases. Vitiligo is a common disease of skin disease .
Many vitiligo patients have this question - Can Vitiligo Be Cured Completely ?
Vitiligo is a skin condition in which a loss of melanin causes irregularly shaped white patches in the skin. These patches often grow in size. It is not known what causes vitiligo, and there is currently no permanent cure. There are numerous treatments, however, that may slow or stop the progression of skin depigmentation, as well as treatments that may even return some color to the affected skin.
Can Vitiligo Be Cured Completely

Modern medical system has no cure for vitiligo. The system offers different kinds of lotions, creams, ointments and other vitiligo makeup to hide the patches or make them less noticeable but can neither stop the spread nor can cure vitiligo effectively. The laser treatments offered by modern medicine may also give only temporary relief, not permanent cure from within.
Herbal Treatment system has the capability to cure vitiligo effectively provided the practitioner understands the mechanics involved. Simply prescribing the medicines is not enough. Vitiligo needs careful management and treatment for permanent cure.

PUVA therapy combines a medication called psoralen with UVA ultraviolet light treatments. The psoralen is given in pill form or applied topically and makes the skin sensitive to light. With biweekly treatments for at least a year, PUVA therapy has a 50 to 70 percent chance of returning color to the skin (except on the hands or feet). Side effects of PUVA include sunburn, freckling and an increased cancer risk.

SOD 6+1 Cure for Vitiligo
We treat the disease is to detox the blood toxin in blood, the medicine is herb medicine called traditional Chinese medicine with a history more than 5000 years. what's more we have the advanced medical facilities from different counties.
The symptoms show on the skin, but the cause is in blood, the root is in internal organs. The normal treatments is the cream, hormone medicine, laser treatments even injection. But the effects are usually temporary. so we don't advice to use that kind of treatments for a long term aspect. Our treatments are to treat from the cause, so the treatments are long term effects. And the advantage is that it is herb medicine, it is safe without side effect. The tests fistly, such as trance elements, skin CT, blood test, allergen and so on.

The treatments can bedivided to two type, the medical facility direct remove toxin such as V3T, high-energy NM Tank, O3 and so on. The traditional chinsese treatments has medical bath, medical steam treament. The medicine is mainly herb medicine. We also have the western medicine. The treatment is to treat the symtoms and the blood as well the used treatments' side effects. The treatments needs 6- 10 days to show the effects. The facility inclued maily the detoxin facility and the laser treatments.

Contact Us

As for you own illness conditions, you can get some guidance related to diet, exercise, medicines or some natural remedies. The online consultation service is free. Please remember to leave your email address, or phone number so that we can contact you and help you!
Please leave the patient's FULL name in case of a duplicate, and to make our doctor give timely response and help.

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