Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Be Wary of the 4 “Culprits” of the Spreading of White Patches

 Be Wary of the 4 “Culprits” of the Spreading of White Patches:

During the treatment of vitiligo, many patients face the problem of white patches spreading more and more. In order to help everyone better understand some causes and preventive measures for the spreading of vitiligo, this article will introduce four "culprits" that may cause the spreading of white patches.
1. Improper Medicine & Treatment Selection:
Patients should exercise caution when selecting medications to treat vitiligo. While there are many medications on the market for treating vitiligo, including topical and oral medications, not every medication is suitable for every patient's condition.

Hormone drugs, in particular, can have serious side effects if used improperly or abused. Therefore, patients need to consult their doctors and follow professional recommendations for medcines selection and treatment use.
2. Improper Diet:
The diet also has a certain impact on vitiligo patients. Excessive intake of certain foods may worsen the condition, such as alcoholic & artificial colored beverages, too much spicy and simulating food, and the food that causes allergy for you (everyone is different). Therefore, patients with vitiligo should adjust their eating habits and avoid eating too much food that may aggravate their condition, but according to the recent study, there is no strict food taboo for you.
It has also been found in clinical practice that picky eating, and partiality for a particular kind of food may also induce vitiligo. Although trace elements are present in very small amounts in the human body, they are indispensable. Only when having a balanced diet with trace elements and nutrients properly supplemented, can our immunity remain stable.

At the same time, increasing the intake of foods that are beneficial to treatment, such as fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C (According to the recent study and base on many clinical experience, moderate taking of vitamin C can actually be beneficial for the condition, is it outdated that patient with vitiligo need to avoide Vitamin C), copper, etc., can help improve the body's recovery and resistance.

3. Large Mood Swings and Irregular Lifestyle.
In the rapidly developing modern society, the pace of life is accelerating, and people's emotions are easily affected by various factors, which may lead to the occurrence of vitiligo. According to statistics, about 20% of vitiligo patients will experience high levels of mental stress such as anxiety, depression, and physical and mental exhaustion before diagnosis.
The impact of vitiligo on a patient's appearance often results in psychological discomfort and stress. Being in negative emotions for a long time may cause endocrine disorders and aggravate the symptoms of vitiligo.
Therefore, patients should seek psychological support or counseling, communicate with professionals and others, and learn ways to actively cope with stress to help with emotional stability and physical and mental health.
Although stress in life is unavoidable, we can resolve negative emotions and divert our attention in reasonable ways. For example, develop hobbies, strengthen physical exercise (also good for the condition physically), and actively participate in social activities.
Besides the stress, also need to adjust your daily routine. Avoid staying up late or being overtired. Long-term lack of sleep can lead to endocrine disorders and immune dysfunction, which in turn affects the stability of the condition.
4. Skin Damage & Trauma
The skin of people with vitiligo is easily affected by trauma when the condition is not in the fully stable stage. When trauma or damage occurs to the skin, it may cause an isomorphic response or Koebner phenomenon, causing new white spots to appear around the wound.
Vitiligo may also caused by skin burns, sunburn, chilblains, etc. In addition, vitiligo may also be caused by friction and pressure on the skin if the condition is unstable. Therefore, whether we are engaging in outdoor sports or engaging in work that may damage the skin, we should protect our skin, avoid exposure to strong sunlight and chemicals especially those containing benzene or phenolic substances, and choose mild skin care products and suitable skin care equipment when using them.
In addition, trauma can also cause damage to the immune function of T lymphocytes, thereby reducing immunity. Hence, patients with vitiligo should pay attention to skin protection and avoid trauma and injuries.
Taken together, vitiligo is a comprehensive disease, and treatment needs to be considered holistically. (1) Medication & treatment selection, (2)dietary modifications, (3) mood and lifestyle management, and (4) skin protection are all important aspects.

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