Thursday, March 7, 2019

How to Cure vitiligo with Chinese Medicine

Q: I have white patches on my hands and fingers, elbows, armpits, hips, knees and one foot. I have been taking the vitamin suplementation (vit. D3, B12, Zinc, vit. C, copper and some pills for the liver) and for 2,5 years used UVB treatment. My vitiligo stopped. The patches are not spreading on my body since about 4 years. And I have a partial repigmentation on every patch. But I still have some old white patches, which I want to get rid of. I have a rather pale complexion an my vitiligo is barely seen, but it it bothers me, especially during summer. Do you sell some creams and medications, or maybe you have some advice what to do to get rid of this skin disorder forever?

A: First of all, you should know that different parts have different chances to get cured. For example, acral parts and mucosal parts (like hands, feet, lips, private parts and nipples) are more complicated than other parts, actually, they have little chance to get cured. But don't worry about others, they have much more possibilities to be cured. Nevertheless, much patience should be given because vitiligo is a chronic skin disorder.
So based on your case, the treatment process will be like this,
To avoid vitiligo spreading
To make your orignal skin color back, i mean parts except for acral parts and mucosal parts.
To avoid white patches come again

Secondly, let me tell you something about treatment here. Here in our hospital, vitiligo is treated with physical therapies mainly, Chinese herbal medicine should be taken as supplymentary. Which means that you must come for physical therapies if you really want to access to treatment here. Because some distinctive ones used here are only avaiable in our hospital around the world. With them, patients could get a good improvement.

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