Friday, June 3, 2016

Common Symptoms Of Childhood Vitiligo

Vitiligo symptoms affect the performance of the body is great, we have to pay attention to the performance of the basic symptoms of vitiligo, timely find common symptoms of damage, and to understand the early symptoms of vitiligo hazards, then the children of vitiligo common symptoms of what it is? Here we take a look at it in detail below.
Vitiligo symptoms are common to refer to the back, wrist, forearm, face, neck, genitals and around. Vitiligo symptoms of vitiligo often symmetrical or unilateral distribution, even as zonal distribution along the nerve. Symptoms of vitiligo white head edge no pigmentation zone, or occasionally see white hair and white. Vitiligo symptoms of vitiligo can be self-limiting, some patients the symptoms of vitiligo in the summer sun, the white center or the edge of pigment regeneration, but winter pigment can be dissipated.
Vitiligo symptoms in some patients may be associated with mucosal hypopigmentation common in the lips, eye pigment can be involved, but generally do not affect vision, which is different from the mucosal vitiligo symptoms commonly referred to as leukoplakia. This is a special kind of vitiligo symptoms.
Children help parents to understand the symptoms of vitiligo patients with vitiligo on children's condition timely detection, early treatment. Although Vitiligo is a difficult to treat skin diseases, but in the early years, their condition is short, white area is small, easy to be treated. Now children vitiligo patients showed a rising trend, so for our children's health, parents understand the symptoms of childhood vitiligo is necessary.
Causes of childhood vitiligo is due to local skin pigmentation disorders, skin and hair follicles melanocyte tyrosinase enzyme system function decline, so that the apparent lack of epidermal melanocytes, resulting in skin depigmentation walls. Baby Vitiligo is a primary, localized or generalized skin depigmentation disorder. Vitiligo symptoms mainly, for the past three months the baby neck, chin, cheeks have little white spots. If parents in these areas at this time found small spots or white, and white at the skin smooth and no dander, says the child may be suffering from vitiligo.

Early symptoms of vitiligo is not obvious, especially in fair-skinned people, it may not discover the existence of vitiligo. External symptoms of vitiligo in general is: the affected area was white, with normal skin color boundaries more obvious, is not prominent in the skin, blocking pores, skin lesion smooth, without scales, mostly symmetrical distribution of individual patients with white hair, the incidence ago no obvious symptoms. Some areas prone to white spot generally armpits, groin, around the mouth, eyes, nostrils, navel, and genitals. Therefore, the skin more white children, parents should carefully check the child's skin, so as to achieve timely detection and treatment of vitiligo.

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